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Photography Challenge # 51

Challenge 51 was to create a composite, to use two or more photographs in a single image. I am fairly certain that I did not come up with this idea on my own. I believe it was suggested to me in my photography course that I use some of my images that I took on my trip to the zoo as background images. So that is what I did. I tried my best to give it the feel of visiting the aquarium, with the teal glow that it often has, but I am not sure that I executed it in the best way. I do not hate this image, by any means, but I feel like I could have done a little better.

That being said however, I am not entirely sure what feels off to me. I think a big problem I had with this image was trying to get the hair to look right. I shot this portrait in the studio against a dark backdrop, and my model has dark hair, so when I pulled it into photoshop I had a hard time distinguishing the hair from the background. So it is a little blurred. I tried to fix it by adding shadow, but I do not know that that necessarily helped.

I tried adjusting exposure, vibrance, contrast, etc., and I have a few final examples. I do not know which one I feel the best about.

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