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Photography Challenge # 5

Updated: Feb 13, 2021

The goal for this photography challenge was to create an image that was as close to symmetrical as we could get. When I read over this challenge, I immediately knew I wanted to to use my black cat, Bunny as my subject. I figured she was pretty symmetrical, being all black, and it gave me an excuse to spend some time with my cat. Once I had this idea in mind, I stubbornly could not get it out of my head. Even when a week had passed, and I was still unsuccessful in getting my image. Bunny is an outside cat who goes on adventures as she pleases so with my class and work schedule, I frequently only saw her in passing or after it was too dark to get a good image. And she is very apprehensive about coming inside, no matter how much I want her to, so that was off the table. But I got up this morning and there she was, curled up outside in the sun. So, I quickly grabbed my camera to get her picture before she could go off on her next journey.

Initially I had told myself that I was going to photoshop out any inconsistencies. Because this little lady is a bit old. My mom brought home Bunny and her sister Candy for Easter when I was in about third grade and they have been with me ever since. As a result of her age, Bunny has a few dark spots in her eyes and her whiskers have started to turn white. So, she is not as uniform in appearance as she once was. But the more I thought about it, the more I just could not bring myself to alter her appearance in any way. Those little things just show how long she has been with me and thinking about changing them just made me too sad. Even though in the final image you can only faintly see her two white whiskers, I decided not to touch them because for some reason when I thought about “symmetry”, I also thought about “consistency” and she is consistent in the way that she has consistently been with me for as long as I can remember. Kind of a cheesy way of interpreting it but that’s what I thought of.

I also have another version where I cropped out the right hand corner where that empty space to try and make it look more symmetrical but for some reason it kind of looked a little lopsided when I did that? It could just be me though.

And I wanted to include some other cute pictures I got of her today as well as a picture I caught on my phone of Bunny and her sister cuddling in case there are any animal lovers like me reading this.

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