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Photography Challenge # 46

The objective for this challenge was to become a painter using Photoshop brushes. I thought that a subtle, yellow, watercolor brush might look good for some of the pictures I got from my last photoshoot, but I do not know how to feel about what I came up with. First of all, I couldn't really find any free "painting" brushes that I liked. I liked the watercolor backgrounds that I found but the brushes I found seemed pretty chunky to me. And you couldn't use them very well as brushes. More like stamps, I'd say.

I also did not realize until I was almost done that I was putting all the brush strokes on the background image instead of my background copy. So I couldn't get rid of some of the paint around my model's face like I had been hoping to do. I had planned for my brush strokes to be different variations of yellow as well but that doesn't really show. Apparently when you lessen the opacity on yellow it all looks the same. Overall I don't hate it, I guess. I feel kind of meh about it. I wish I had more time to put into these prompts but I simply don't at the moment. But I did purchase the Creative 52 book rather than rent it because I knew I would want to experiment with the prompts in the future. So I hope to have more time to focus on experimentation in the following weeks once my finals have concluded.

But anywaaaay... Here's what I have.

This is the unedited version

And here is the edited version...

So, I think it is okay overall. There are parts that I like but I do think that she ended up pretty washed out because of the watercolor over her face and I wish I could lighten it. But its a little late now. I do like how wispy it looks though and I will probably try to work with these brushes again sometime.

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