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  • aphotographersomet

Photography Challenge #44

When I took the image I ended up using for this challenge, all that I could think of was those pictures everyone was taking of their converse back in like 2010, 2011. Like the ones where someone would take a picture of their feet in their converse, darken it, and add some kind of edgy texture to it. Maybe a little red heart in the corner or something like that. Let me tell you, when I was younger I was all about that aesthetic. My little flip phone was full of similar pictures I had downloaded from the internet. Those were simpler times.

Yet, interestingly, despite my lengthy search, I could not find any of the images I remember from my childhood to use as an example for my inspiration. None of them really quite fit. This was the closest image I could find... So hopefully mu audience knows what I am talking about.

But anyway, clearly over the years my aesthetic has changed a bit and now I do prefer more of the softer, more cutesy aesthetic that I ironically used to loathe. But I still find myself inspired by my earlier interests. So, I would say that the image I came up with is a combination of both. It is not too harsh, a little soft, but still integrates a little bit of both aesthetics.

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