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Photography Challenge # 38

Technically, this challenge was one that I did not need to have done until next week. But in the last week or so my college classes have become particularly demanding and I have had a hard time keeping up with both my individual project and the weekly photography challenges. Also, certain circumstances have continued to put my plans on pause. For example, one of the artists that I had intended to collaborate with for challenge #6 decided to drop out and the other has had to postpone her contribution to the project due to today's snow storm. Of course I cannot bring myself to complain because they were doing me a considerably large favor to cut time out of their busy schedules to help me in the first place.

Then, for challenge #4, I had really wanted to get into the studio to work but family and work interference has made finding a time to do so a little bit difficult. I had planned to use my time Friday evening after my class to take time to go to the studio and get the pictures I needed but after receiving news from my place of work that our manager was being sent to another location to work, my fellow coworkers and I were responsible for filling in the spaces in the work schedule that would have gone to her. One of those shifts that was I assigned to being that Friday evening.

Being someone who likes to keep fully up to date with my assignments, this has stressed me out more than a little bit. So I looked on to next week's challenge in hope that it would be something that I could easily work with and thankfully, it was. It was actually something that I had been already working with during my practice this week with photoshop. I was very relieved that it was something that I not only had experience with but was currently already in the process of working on.

This first image is one that I did specifically for this challenge. It is just a simple overlay of a galaxy and a frosted glass texture. I removed a bit of the layers around her face though I know that the challenge did not state that I was to do anything like that. But I just did not like how heavy the overlays looked on her face as I wanted her face to remain the primary focus, not the galaxy and glass textures.

This image was a test I did to practice different photoshop techniques for my individual projects. It contains a galaxy overlay as well as what I have been referring to as a "firefly" overlay. I darkened the background so that the subject would stand out more and did a little bit of basic dodging and burning. I also started to add what I wanted to look like glitter under her eyes by layering different shades of grey and white but I ended up not really liking it and tried to remove it. BUT. I had made the mistake of adding the dots to the background layer and had added so many layers of dots that the program would not let me "undo" back that far. My next step was going to go back to my last save only to find out I had some kind of automatic save on and the program had saved just after I finished putting down all those layers of dots. So... the image is what it is now. I don't hate it but I definitely wish I had been able to get rid of those dots but I did not want to start all over.

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