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Photography Challenge # 13

So, I am pretty positive I did not do this challenge at all like the prompt intended. The challenge was to limit ourselves to a budget of $20 and do a photoshoot. It encouraged us to go to a local craft store and buy props and work that way. But I honestly was not very excited about this prompt when I read it because that is the kind of thing I already do regularly with my work. I like props and I am broke so I often make trips to the dollar store for fake flowers or to Walmart for cheap fabric. I came up with some ideas but they seemed a little basic and I was not that fond of them. I kept trying to think of what I could do change things up a little bit. Then I thought, the prompt never said that we could not spend that $20 on an experience. So that is what I did. I grabbed my camera, my hand sanitizer, and my mask, and I took myself to the zoo. And I promise it was safe! I would not have gone if it wasn't.

I was actually pretty impressed with the regulations the zoo had put in place and there were very few people there. They had staff stationed in every indoor exhibit, ensuring that rules were being maintained. I was, of course, expected to stay 6 feet apart from any other family and guests were asked that only one family be present at each habitat and that the proceeding family wait at a reasonable distance. The doors to each indoor area had a platform for your foot so you could push the door open without using your hands. And all of the food vendors, coin machines, and photo booths were closed. The place was so empty that I went through an entire exhibit and did not encounter another person.

I had been really looking forward to this trip. I have not gone out and done anything aside from my trips to school, running errands, and eating out once with my coworkers, since COVID hit. I had made plans at the start of 2020 to go to the zoo for my birthday. But then the virus came and squashed those plans. But now, proper regulations have been put in place, and almost my entire family has had the vaccine. So it was nice to be able to go out and do something fun without being too worried about it.


Sand Cats

A Sting ray!


Cute little Gecko



Fish and Sharks

Sea Horses


A weird rainbow bird

Grey Wolf

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