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Individual Project Update 3

Okay, so, maybe saying that I intended to have all of my chosen photographs edited from my last photoshoot within a week's time was a little ambitious. It has now been over a week and I still have less than half of my pictures edited. But! I do like a lot of ones that I have finished so that is a big plus. Much of my delay was spending time finding brushes that I liked and could actually use. Sometimes I would download a set, thinking they'd be perfect for what I had in mind only to find out I hated them when I actually tried to put them to use. Also, admittedly, I did spend a good portion of time stopping to look up why certain things weren't working the way I wanted. Even though nine times out of ten my problem would end up being that I was still using the burn tool instead of the brush tool or something similar.

In the beginning I had intended for all of my pictures to have a very dramatic fantasy element to them. But I found that for some of them I preferred a more subtle approach. So I have a decent variety so far. My images are drastically different but I don't think that is specifically a bad thing. I guess now I can go back and see which images are my favorite and figure out which techniques work best for me. I have been taking a lot of inspiration from a photographer on Instagram called shots_by_sophia_. She posts short little clips of her putting together a lot of her pieces. It is not exactly a tutorial but gives you an idea of how she accomplishes what she does. I think my goal for this week, aside from finishing my edits is going to be to try and figure out how she finds the images she photoshops into her work, cats, shadows of birds, wings, etc. Because I have tried to look up images to insert into my own photography and it really is a pain. I don't really know what I am looking for or how to find it. Forever regretting my lack of retention from my Digital Foundations class. I am also going to try and convince one of my other friends this week to do a shoot with me once the weather clears up because I have some stuff in mind that I would like to try with her but I am not toooootally getting my hopes up for that. She really does not like having her picture taken so I wont be shocked if she tells me no but I am going to give it my best shot.

But anyway! Here are a couple of my favorites from what I have so far.

To be completely honest I don't know why or when the white fabric turned blue but I'm not complaining. I kind of like it.

This is one of my more subtle and less saturated pieces but it is still one of my favorites.

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