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Individual Project Update 2

This week I got started taking photos that I plan to take to editing in Photoshop.

This image being a preview...

My plan for these is to create a series of photographs of my friends representing personifications of their zodiacs. My inspiration came primarily from seeing the work of Chris Hernandez, a photographer I follow on Instagram.

He has created a series documenting various models as personifications of each zodiac and I just thought doing something like that would be really fun. I do find horoscopes interesting and it would give me an opportunity to learn a bit of photoshop and work with each of my friends. Of course, having a very tight budget and little to no props or photoshop skills, my photographs will not be nearly as extravagant.

I am also finding that photoshop is not as easy as I was expecting. I have taken a few classes where we have worked with photoshop so I thought I would not have a hard time getting the hang of it. But I am finding that I remember next to nothing about it. So my day today has been filled with a lot of basic photoshop tutorials and lots of google searches like, "how to insert an image into photoshop". It has done quite a good job at making me feel very dumb but at least I do in fact know how to insert an image.

My goal for the next few days is primarily going to be to try and get an understanding of photoshop and get at least one image fully edited. By the end of the week I want to at least be scheduling a time to work with another one of my friends, if not have pictures with them already. I also want to have the remainder of the images I want to use from my last photoshoot fully edited. So we will see where that goes.

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