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Individual Project Update 5

Since my last update I think I can say that I have made a fair amount of progress. Maybe not as much as I would like, but certainly enough to be considered progress. Frankly it has been a little hard trying to find time to work with a model. Especially when for the most part my schedule only has about three hour windows in which I can work. And that is a maximum. But! I did find time to work with a model this last week! It was raining so we did not get to take the outside photos that I wanted to get but I did get some in the studio that I want to pull into Photoshop to work on those skills some more. The model I worked with really liked the work I did with my previous model so I am hoping I can come up with something she likes. I have worked with her before but I am hoping that I have improved since then.

So this is one of the images I took of this particular model about a year ago, shortly after she and I had become friends. We were still incredibly shy around each other and I really did not know what to tell her to do.

These two images are some from my most recent photoshoot with her. They do not have the same vibrant color as the first but I think since my intention with these images is to see how far I can push my ability to Photoshop, that does not matter quite as much.

So! I have these images to work with and I will be editing them over the next week or so. I really want to try and put more thought into editing these images than I did with my images with my first model. I was really just trying to get the hang of the basics when working with those so I want to work on these with more intention, having a specific idea and executing it rather than just seeing where I can go with it. And on top of getting these images, the model I feared would not agree to model for me actually agreed and is pretty excited about it, it seems. So I am looking forward to that when I can get it worked out. It is just going to be a matter of figuring out when we both can be available. But in the mean time I will work on editing the images I have.

I also discovered a few photographers over the last week whose work I really enjoy so I thought I would share them at the end of this update. So first, I have Natalia Seth who you can find on Instagram under escapingyouth. Her photography is a little more exaggerated and overly colorful than what I want for my own work but I think she is a great example to look for for inspiration.

There is also Gervisuals, also on Instagram, whose work is kind of similar, but with a darker color palette, but also great inspiration.

And finally, Julie Floro on Instagram. Her work is a little more similar to what I want to do with my own work and I think her images are very creative. I think her images have a nice balance of realism and surrealism and that is what I want to achieve with my own photography. She posts little tutorials sometimes which is always helpful. Also, she reached out to me when I followed her to say that she was happy I found her page and liked her content, which was really sweet.

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